Hae Chang Buat Nak (Ordination Procession on Elephants)

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title.alternative : Hae Chang Buat Nak Thai Phuan Ban Had Siao, Ordination Procession on Elephants, Buat Chang
event date.month : April
event date.lunar month : 4th or 5th month (formerly waning 3rd of the 4th month)
location :
province / region : Central
: Sukhothai
subject : ethnic rites,rites of passage
relations : Buad Nak Chang (Ordination Parade on Elephant’s Back)
keywords : Ban Had Siao, nak ordination, Tai Phuan, elephants
creator : Srisakra Vallibhodhom, et al.,
date.issued : 15 Aug 2016
date.last updated : 20 Sep 2017