Traditional Kantruem Boran: Folk Music of Surin

Date published: Tuesday, 24 September 2013 13:50
Date modified: Tuesday, 24 September 2013 16:00

Kantruem Boran is a ‘way of life’, ‘the language of the spirits’ and gives performers and audiences alike pride as a shared cultural memory. Holding an important function in many aspects of life, Kantruem accompanies rituals, rites of passage, as well as promoting social cohesion by diffusing tensions, offering relaxation, and a bridge to the spiritual world.

Kantruem Boran of the ethnic Khmer has ancient roots in the region. Songs which are performed to invite ancestral spirits to protect, heal and bless the living are slow and evocative, encouraging listeners to ‘tune in’. In contrast, other songs are a rowdy and joyful accompaniment to celebrations, such as weddings and house-raising ceremonies. Instruments of the genre include: the tone drums, the fiddle, cymbals, reed oboe and wooden clappers.

These videos are from a Kantruem Boran performance in Choke village, Khwaew Srinarin Village, on August 12, 2013, as well as a performance of another folk music genre, Carieng Bruen, held on August 14, 2013, as part of the ICH and Museums Field School.


Part 1: Carieng Breun PerformanceBor Un Village, August 14, 2013ICH and Museums Field School

Rabiab (Nednang) Buthayothi, Bor Un Village
Suphot Misati, Bor Un Village more 2


Part 2: Traditional Kantruem PerformanceChoke Village, Khwaew Srinarin District, August 12, 2013

ICH and Museums Field School 2013
Wai Khru Ceremony―Paying respects to ancestral spirits of the teachers more 2

Lon Ngamrahong, Choke Village
Ping Chingchai, Choke Village
Pramuan (Muan) Hongkhwang, Khwaew  Village
Nuan Luealam, Na Poh Village
Ney Luealam, Na Poh Village
Sombat (Yos) Janthuek, Natang Village
Mile Chingchai, Choke Village
Sanguem Pramuenchai, Na Poh Village
Ekaphap (Mani) Phadphon
Sangam Prameunchai, Na Poh Village
Somchai (Koat) Jandaeng, Natang Village
Sanga Luadngern, Rae Village
Sitha (Daka) Phuenmuang, Rae Village
Manirat Unaiban, Natang Village


Part 3: Traditional Kantruem Performance (continued)

Choke Village, Khwaew Srinarin District, August 12, 2013
ICH and Museums Field School 2013 more 2


Part 4: Traditional Kantruem Performance (continued)

Choke Village, Khwaew Srinarin District, August 12, 2013
ICH and Museums Field School 2013 more 2


Part 5: Traditional Kantruem Performance (continued)

Choke Village, Khwaew Srinarin District, August 12, 2013
ICH and Museums Field School 2013 more 2


Part 6: Traditional Kantruem Performance (continued)

Choke Village, Khwaew Srinarin District, August 12, 2013
ICH and Museums Field School 2013 more 2