Intangible Cultural Heritage and Museums Field School 2011

Date published: Thursday, 24 May 2012 10:19
Date modified: Thursday, 24 May 2012 10:21

On the Trail of Khuba Srivijay: Using Visual Media to Document the Living Memories of a Buddhist Saint

This film documents the process of field research and documentation by a team of participants in the Intangible Cultural Heritage and Museums Field School, held in Lamphun province from August 8-21, 2011. The film follows the team of Field School participants as they undertake interviews with local residents of the Camadevi community to learn more about the history and living beliefs and practices surrounding a highly revered Buddhist Saint named Khuba Srivijay. The team’s objective was to produce a short film about Khuba Srivijay together with the Camadevi community.
